Fair Trade sneakers are not as difficult to find as I’d thought they would be. Starfish stores (in Wellington and Christchurch) sell sneakers made by French Fair Trade brand Veja. The shoes are made in Brazil from organic cotton, wild latex, and vegetable-tanned leather (not all styles are made from leather). They are available in a variety of styles, from about $200 I think. I got a pair of the 'Taua' style half price at $99, and I really like them.
Australian brand Etiko sells Fair Trade vegan sneakers which are made in Pakistan. The soles are made with sustainable latex which comes from Sri Lanka, and the canvas and laces are made from certified organic cotton. The dyes are free from PCP and AZO, and the shoe boxes are made from post-consumer recycled waste. Three different styles of Etiko sneakers can be bought from SAFE’s Cruelty Free Shop in Auckland, or at their online store, www.choosecrueltyfree.org.nz. The prices start at $99. Etiko also sells Alparagatas (outdoor slippers) at their online store, www.etiko.com.au. They cost AUD$65, and are made in Argentina.
The USA brand Simple Shoes sells Fair Trade and eco-friendly shoes, made from materials such as jute, hemp, certified organic cotton, recycled plastic bottles, silk, eco-certified leather, and recycled car tires. Prices start at $169.95. They make a number of different styles of shoes, including sneakers and sandels. Check out www.simpleshoes.com for stockists. Even though I don’t wear sneakers a lot, these shoes are sooo cute that I’m strongly tempted to get a pair...